His Eyes Were Soft We sat close to each other facing the lake, Only the table stood between us. His eyes seemed familiar to me, As though we met in another time… I […]
Villa Cavaletti To the wonderful team of Villa Cavalletti, the House in Rome and the Urfeld Kreis with love from Yair and Michal (October, 1996). The following poem was inspired by our visit to the […]
The Miracle of the Miracle "Nes HaNes" A Nes has occurred to the Hebrew language and it is resurrected from oblivion. In it there is one little word -Nes- with only two consecutive […]
Song of Songs of the Urfeld Circle (Thoughts after the meeting in Cavalletti, January, 2002) If, after all, everything is just a matter of love (agapi), And love is a complicated, sensitive and intricate […]
The Urfeld Circle as a Parable – Between Reality and Hope* The Urfeld Circle is love Naive and truthful love among people Lost love that was reignited suddenly Within innocent hearts. The Urfeld […]
כששמעתי שהפולנים הם גרועים ואכזריים מהנאצים, וביקרתי בארצם היפה והמקוללת ובמחנות השואה שלהם חשבתי – שהם אכן אנטישמיים לנצח כששמעתי שיש גרמניה אחרת ולא כל הגרמנים הם נאצים עד היום וביקרתי בארצם היפה […]
My dreamcatcher* Yair Palgi, 23.5.08 Captures dreams within its threads. Would you capture one for me One tiny, little, red dream. Circular dreamcatcher, Guard it as if it is a babe Keep it for […]
חוג אורפלד הוא אהבה תמימה וכנה בין אנשים אהבה שאבדה וניצתה לה לפתע בתוך לבבות תמימים חוג אורפלד נולד מעמוד העשן עשן אנושי הנישא בארובות אל על עשן השנאה, הרצח וההרס, הפך בחוג לעמוד […]
The Urfeld Circle as a Parable – Between Reality and Hope* The Urfeld Circle is love Naive and truthful love among people Lost love that was reignited suddenly Within innocent hearts. The Urfeld Circle […]
The Chimneys of Auschwitz (Thoughts about a possible visit – to an impossible place)** How much satanic evil is contained in the word Auschwitz How much power and strength there is in the metallic […]